This Weeks Best Marketing Articles

Minas Road

Best of marketing


This week we cover several different topics to keep you up to date with what is happening in the wonderful world of marketing.

These weeks marketing articles include Facebook, link building, SEO, content marketing, PPC and more!


Here is a great article from Adespresso about an experiment they conducted on Interests vs Lookalikes. Read it here.


Search Engine Optimisation

What is the difference between local and organic? Check it out here.

Local SEO

Optimise your site for voice searches such as Alexa or Siri.

Voice Search

Link building is still valid but you will need to make sure that you are not doing it 2009 style.laughing

Link Building 2019


Study the behaviour of your visitors to increase your conversion rate.



Yes people, time to take LinkedIn as a serious ad platform. It has nearly 600 million members. That is a lot of eyeballs! Here is a strategy guide to help you out.

LinkedIn strategy

 Email Marketing

How do you clean up your email list? It is a fact that you need to clean it up otherwise it affects your email open and deliverability rates. The guys at Emailmonks have some suggestions.

Clean up your email

Till next time!

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